Lists are groups of Singles with scaffolding for pagination and manipulation around them. You might use a list to track a user's notifications, their friends, their favorites, or anything else you can convince your API to give you an array of.
List Controllers
Instantiating a list controller (and, thus, creating a list module) is similar to doing so for a single controller.
To get a new list controller:
import {useList} from '@opencraft/providence-redux/hooks'
import {Single} from '@opencraft/providence-redux/components/Single'
// Declare a type in TypeScript to get typechecking for your single's data structure.
declare interface MyStructureType {
id: number,
name: string,
const MyComponent = () => {
controller = useList<MyStructureType>('currentItem', {endpoint: ''})
useEffect(() => {
// Like with single controllers, firstRun will fetch the initial array.
return (
{ => (
// The 'Single' React component makes sure we rerender anything
// underneath it when the Single's state changes. We must specify
// this for singles created by lists if we are doing anything which
// isn't read-only with them.
<Single controller={singleController}>
{() => (
// Note that the child of the Single component is a function.
// This is important-- otherwise the Single component won't be
// able to decide when to rerender-- its parent will, and it
// will be wrong.
import {useSingle} from '@opencraft/providence-redux/hooks'
const MyComponent = () => {
controller = useSingle('currentItem', {endpoint: ''})
useEffect(() => {
// Like with single controllers, firstRun will fetch the initial array.
return (
{ => (
// The 'Single' React component makes sure we rerender anything
// underneath it when the Single's state changes. We must specify
// this for singles created by lists if we are doing anything which
// isn't read-only with them.
<Single controller={singleController}>
{() => (
// Note that the child of the Single component is a function.
// This is important-- otherwise the Single component won't be
// able to decide when to rerender-- its parent will, and it
// will be wrong.
// Coming once the Pinia module is completed.
// Coming once the Pinia module is completed.
List Module Options
In most cases, you'll only need to hand the retrieval function the endpointof the list you're retrieving, but you may also need to set a number of other attributes, such as the
paginated` flag, which is true by default.
Check the full reference for the list module options here.
Controller Reference
Check the full reference documentation for the List Controller here.